
Varanasi to Rishikesh

Varanasi & Rishikesh; both are the major spiritual cities of India! There are many mythic as well as spiritual facts related to these cities. It is also believed that both the cities are blessed by the benediction of Hindu Gods!

Everything in Varanasi & Rishikesh is extreme!
Among Hindus, Varanasi is known as the city of Death and Rebirth while in the same manner, Rishikesh is known as the city of birth. Both the spiritually beautiful cities are connected with the holy river Ganges. Rishikesh was built at the start of the river Ganga and Varanasi was built right in the middle of the path of the Ganges.

Short Summarize Detail of:
Varanasi - Varanasi is also known by the name, Banaras or Benaras and Kashi! Located in the part of northern India; Varanasi is a historical city in India and one of the ancient continuously inhabited cities in the world. It is to be believed in Hindu religion that dying in this holy city of Varanasi brings Moksha or Salvation. The overwhelming sceneries and accredited temples of the place are surely the most impressive.

Rishikesh - Rishikesh is certainly one of the most pious cities in India! The breathtaking views, the peaceful flow of Maa Ganga, the incredible lush greenery of the place, accredited temples, stupendous waterfalls and the majestic Garhwal Himalayas are really very attractive.

Rishikesh is a place preferred by the people of every age group as it has everything that suits your interest and enthusiasts. There are many names given to this small city such as; "Yoga Capital of the World", "Adventure City of Uttarakhand", "Land of Gods", "Tapobhumi" and so on!

Besides the beauty, serenity and pureness of the place; Rishikesh is also famous for amazing and wondrous adventure activities including; White Water River Rafting, Camping, Asia's highest Bungee Jump & Flying Fox and so on.

Maa Ganga Aarti – The Spiritual Attraction in Varanasi &Rishikesh!
The common and best attraction of both the cities is "Maa Ganga Aarti" performed at evening time on the ghats of Varanasi &Rishikesh.

This is certainly the most beautiful attraction one can witness in these cities. The river Ganga is among the holiest rivers in Hindu religion and performing puja or aarti of Maa Ganga brings peace, serenity and tranquillity.

Moreover, it is believed that performing such a holy action to Maa Ganga fulfill your every wish and further gives a happy & healthy life to an individual.

By road; the distance from Varanasi to Rishikesh is 810 km and by air, the distance is 699 km.

Reaching from Varanasi to Rishikesh
• By Air - There is no direct flight from Varanasi to Rishikesh; however, one can take flight from Varanasi Airport to Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi from where he/she can take a flight to Dehradun Airport. The distance from Dehradun Airport to Rishikesh is just 35 km.

• By Train - There is no direct train from Varanasi to Rishikesh or vice-versa, however one can take a train from Varanasi to Haridwar as there are 4 direct trains from this route. The distance between Haridwar Railway Station to Rishikesh is around 40 km.

• By Road - One can hire a direct taxi from Varanasi to Haridwar which will take around 12 hours of time in reaching the destination.

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